Curricular Programs for Years 3 to 6

Y3-6 programs focus on engaging students in movement sequences which master and link fundamental movement skills. Students practise specialised movement skills and apply them to different movement situations.

They explore the concept of control and fluency when performing movement sequences across a range of disciplines and learn how to practise this skill.

These programs have been designed to support student understanding across the Y3-6 Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Our combination Boxercise and Zumba Fun program ensures students remain as active as possible with a fun, safe and inclusive experience.

Our Skills Masterclass program provides all students with the opportunity to refine and improve the full scope of their fundamental motor skills through different physical activities and  movement challenges.

Our Mindful Movement Level 2 program ensures students are challenged, have opportunities to perform imaginative and original movement sequences.

Our Gymnastics Level 2 program engages students through composing and creating movement sequences in a variety of challenge and adventure activities.

We provide:

Accredited Coaches
All equipment is supplied, set up and packed up
21 physical activities to choose from
A flexible delivery model
Risk management plans

16+ Years of Fantastic Sports Incursions!

Proactivity has been providing students with positive learning experiences for 16+ years, trusted by schools across Melbourne and surrounding areas. Trusted by many Schools such as Haileybury, PLC, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, Kilbreda College, Norwood Secondary College, Box Hill North Primary School, Glen Waverley South Primary School, Wesley College and so much more!

Inspiring students across Victoria

Schools across Victoria
1 +
Incursions Delivered
1 +
Student Participants
1 k+

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What Sets Us Apart?

Talk to us about your school’s next incursion or event

Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s curricular or extra curricular sports programs.