Core Program 3 - Mindful Movement Level 2

Yoga and Mindfulness Programs for Primary School Years 3 to 6 students

Mindful Movement Level 2 is designed specifically for students in Years 3 to Year 6 to help them develop their mind-body connection and improve their physical and mental well-being.

This program primarily focuses on teaching students the benefits of mindfulness and movement, helping them to develop self-awareness, focus, and relaxation skills.

Proactivity Mindful Movement Programs align with the Victorian Curriculum.

Mindful Movement Program Overview

An extension to the Level 1 program, Mindful Movement Level 2 ensures students are challenged, have opportunities to create routines and importantly sequence and connect movements together.

Key Focus Points:

  • Moving Your Body
  • Construct and perform imaginative & original movement sequences
  • Movement sequencing

Curriculum Outcomes

Ensure your curriculum program meets achievement outcomes by including a progressive and engaging Mindful Movement Level 2 program.

Curriculum Standards met:

Moving the body

  • Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills (VCHPEM098)
  • Design and perform a variety of movement sequences (VCHPEM116)

Learning through movement

  • Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM102)
  • Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCHPEM103)
  • Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120)

Understanding movement

  • Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing (VCHPEM118)

Major Category = Lifelong Physical Activities & Active Play and Minor Games and Rhythmic and Expressive

Program Inclusions


In a 4-week Proactivity Yoga program, the students will be focusing and developing their physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health. The student-centered Yoga programs will be closely linked to the curriculum and across many areas.

Curriculum Links

Years 3 and 4

Moving the body
Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills.
Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement
Examine the benefits of physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing.

Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences.

Learning through movement
Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities.

Years 5 and 6

Moving the body
Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings.

Understanding movement
Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing.

Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences.

Learning through movement
Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will practise positive affirmations
  • Students will learn how to effectively meditate
  • Students will practise movement with shapes and flow
  • Students will practise breath work
Learning Activities
  • Nadi shodhana alternate nostril breathing
  • Moving bodies in a fun way, by moving freely to release energy
  • Practise and show students positive affirmations. For example: I love myself unconditionally, I’m at peace with myself and everyone around me, I’m a good person and I’m kind to all beings…
  • Repeat out loud with students or write it down
  • Flow connection to inhale and exhale
  • Simple meditation together sitting and give them counting back strategy, start with 20 seconds, go up to 1 minute and more
  • Deep stretches, can do yin yoga for older group and group who is able to focus and be still
  • Seated meditation
  • Visualization technique in savasana
Learning Objectives
  • Students will practise positive affirmations
  • Students will learn how to meditate
  • Students will practise movement with shapes and flow
  • Students will build an understanding of how to respond in everyday life situations
  • Students will practise breath work
Learning Activities
  • Nadi shodhana alternate nostril breathing, bumble breath too
  • Moving their bodies in a fun way , by moving freely to release any energy
  • Lie on the back and do a simple breath work
  • Practise and show them positive affirmations. For example: I love myself unconditionally, I’m at peace with myself and everyone around me, I’m a good person and I’m kind to all beings…
  • Repeat out loud with students or in their mind or write it down can ask them to create their own
  • Take them through a flow connection to inhale and exhale show them how to breathe effectively though flow
  • Learn a new meditation technique and explain how they can do this before bed etc…
  • Learn how to effectively use breath in everyday life situations, for example before a grand final, test, when angry or sad…. give them box breath
  • Relaxation: Stretch, unwind and savasana
Learning Objectives
  • Students will practise and learn how to release stress, sadness etc while connecting to their emotions/ feelings
  • Students will be able to learn how to practise positive affirmations
  • Students will learn about deep stretches – can do yin yoga depending on the group and age etc for 15 mins
  • Students will learn how to effectively meditate
Learning Activities
  • Practise and show them positive affirmations. For example: I love myself unconditionally, I’m at peace with myself and everyone around me, I’m a good person and I’m kind to all beings…
  • Practising and learning how to release stress, sadness etc while connecting to their emotions/ feelings I let go of… sadness, worry fear etc – do this when they are lying down
  • Practise all the different breath works
  • Practise effective meditation for them to take away and use in everyday life
  • Practise emotional regulation, stop notice and observe your bodies responses and emotions and how to act differently
  • Learn a new stronger flow and practise yin yoga or deep stretches
  • Practise meditating standing up – tadasana mountain pose
  • Ask students for feedback – like responses into how they feel, emotions etc
  • Relax, unwind in savasana
Learning Objectives
  • Students will recap and reflect on skills learnt thus far.
  • Students will perform deep stretches and understand the benefits of this – can do yin yoga depending on the group and age etc for 15 mins
  • Students will learn how to flow, rest and unwind
Learning Activities
  • Practise and show them positive affirmations. For example: I love myself unconditionally, I’m at peace with myself and everyone around me, I’m a good person and I’m kind to all beings…
  • Practising and learning how to release stress, sadness etc while connecting to their emotions/ feelings I let go of… sadness, worry fear etc – do this when they are lying down
  • Practise breath work whilst in meditation
  • Practise effective meditation for them to take away and use in everyday life
  • Practise emotional regulation, stop notice and observe your bodies responses and emotions and how to act differently while under stress
  • Learn a new stronger flow and practise yin yoga or deep stretches
  • Ask students for feedback – like responses into how they feel, emotions etc
  • Relax, unwind in savasana


Embark on an exciting 4-week Cheerleading Incursion program specifically designed to align with the Victorian Curriculum. This engaging program seamlessly integrates cheerleading skills with educational outcomes, providing students with a unique learning experience.

Curriculum Links

Years 3 and 4

Moving the body
Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings.

Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills.

Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement
Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences.

Learning through movement
Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges.

Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities.

Years 5 and 6

Moving the body
Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings.

Design and perform a variety of movement sequences.

Understanding movement
Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing.

Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences.

Learning through movement
Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities.

Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to movement challenges.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to perform basic stunting, tumbling and motions in isolation.
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Motions
    • teach basic motions
    • motion memory game
  • Stunting
    • angel lifts
    • back stunt
    • dual base
  • Tumbling
    • teach basic tumble skills (in own time)
  • Stretch out
Learning Objectives - Years 3/4
  • Students will be able to perform basic skills in a sequence, linking the skills together.
  • Students will be able to practise and apply movement concepts and strategies in a sequence that combines the elements of effort, space, time and people.
Learning Objectives - Years 5/6
  • Students will be able to perform more specialised Cheerleading skills.
  • Students will be able to perform skills in sequences.
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Tumbling
    • Two counts in a formation, focusing on performing skill to timing and understanding spacing
  • Stunting
    • Build on skills taught last lesson
  • Motions
    • Formations game: give students formations and they must get to each spot quickly and observe correct spacing
    • Teach a short sequence of motions and explain how to perform them with confidence
  • Stretch
Learning Objectives - Years 3/4
  • Students will be able to specialise their skills more and work inclusively in groups.
Learning Objectives - Years 5/6
  • Students will perform intermediate level Cheerleading skills.
  • Students will use the technical skills taught in previous weeks to be able to manipulate elements of effort, time, space and people to perform these skills in movement sequences.
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Stunting
    • build on previous skills to create a stunt sequence
    • explain how to perform to score well in a competition environment
  • Tumbling
    • Advance tumble sequence
  • Motions
    • Advance motion sequence taught and include formation changes
    • split them into groups to practice and perform to each other
  • Stretch
Learning Objectives - Years 3/4
  • Students will be able to use choreographic devices to connect fundamental skills into their own sequences.
  • Students will apply collaborative practices and think creatively to include all team members of differing abilities to solve movement challenges and create an effective routine.
Learning Objectives - Years 5/6
  • Students will be able to design their own routine and perform movement sequences.
  • Students will work positively in teams to create a routine reflecting the strengths of each member and set their responsibilities for success.
  • Students will be able to address movement challenges creatively to include students of all different abilities
Learning Activities - Years 3/4
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Revision
    • go over the stunt, tumble and motions taught in previous weeks
    • Go over stunt sequence taught last week
    • Go over motion sequence taught last week
  • Developing a routine
    • using the stunt and motions sequence we have already taught, build these into a routine
    • explain how to run sections together to form a routine
    • allow students to work autonomously, providing help where needed
    • show and tell
Learning Activities - Years 5/6
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Revision
    • go over the stunt, tumble and motions taught in previous weeks
    • Go over stunt sequence taught last week
  • Create their own routine in groups
    • using the stunt sequence we have already taught, combine with other elements into a routine
    • explain how to run sections together to form a routine
    • allow students to work autonomously, providing help where needed
    • show and tell
  • Stretch

Compliance Ready

  • Risk Assessments, Insurance and WWCC’s
  • Qualified instructors and equipment provided
  • Flexible delivery model
  • Proactivity is committed to keeping students safe, please see our COVID-19 Policies for more information.

16+ Years of Fantastic Sports Incursions!

Proactivity has been providing students with positive learning experiences for 16+ years, trusted by schools across Melbourne and surrounding areas. Trusted by many Schools such as Haileybury, PLC, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, Kilbreda College, Norwood Secondary College, Box Hill North Primary School, Glen Waverley South Primary School, Wesley College and so much more!

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Talk to us about our Mindful Movement program for your students

Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s curricular health, movement and wellbeing programs.