Core Program 2 - Skills Masterclass

Alternative Sport programs for Primary School Year 3 to Year 6 students

Our Skills Masterclass program is designed to help students become more confident in their physical abilities, which can have a positive impact on their overall well-being. It can also help children develop important social skills such as teamwork, communication, and problem-solving as they work together with their peers to achieve their goals.

Proactivity Skills Masterclass Programs align with the Victorian Curriculum.

Skills Masterclass Program Overview

This program provides all students with the opportunity to refine and improve the full scope of their fundamental motor skills.

Key Focus Points:

  • Students refine fundamental movement skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges.
  • Students refine the key fundamental motor skills

Curriculum Outcomes

Ensure your curriculum program meets achievement outcomes by including a progressive and engaging gross motor skills program.

Curriculum Standards Met: Movement and Physical Activity

Learning through movement
Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM102)
Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCHPEM103)

Moving the body
Practice and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM097)
Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills (VCHPEM098)

Major Category = Fundamental Movement Skills & Games and Sports

Program Inclusions

Sport Aerobics

Proactivity’s Sports Aerobics program delivers safe, fun, and exciting lessons that focus on fundamental movements and aerobic movement sequences. Games and activities provide students with opportunities to learn through movement and support them in building the range and complexity of fundamental skills they are able to perform.

Years 3 and 4 Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills. Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences.

Learning through movement

Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities. Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to perform movement sequences practising various Aerobics skills and elements.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobics musical freeze, Detective, Whole body stretch
  • Choreography (Aerobics Movements)
    • Jumping jacks / Double jumping jacks
    • Jogs / Double hop
    • Knee lifts / Double knee lifts
    • Grapevine / Double grapevine
    • Game – Create the arm lines
  • Static shapes and stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to apply creative thinking in solving Aerobic movement challenges.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobics musical freeze, Detective, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics Routine
  • Static shapes and stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to combine a variety of Aerobic elements whilst practicing and participating in movement sequence activities.
Learning Activities
  • Follow the Leader, Jumping Jack, Whole body stretch
  • Activity/Skills
    • High Leg Kicks
    • Push ups
    • Aerobics Routine
  • Game, Static shapes and stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to engage with inclusive practices whilst participating in Aerobic activities in groups.
Learning Activities
  • Follow the Leader, Jumping Jack, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics Routine
    • Show’n’Tell
  • Game, Static shapes and stretches

Years 5 and 6 Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings.

Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies without equipment

Design and perform a variety of movement sequences.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing. Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences.

Learning through movement

Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities. Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to movement challenges.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will perform intermediate level Aerobic movements.
Learning Activities
  • Partner Tag, Team Alphabet, Whole body stretch
  • Fitness Circuit
  • Clap Game, Static shapes and stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to practise and apply Aerobic movement concepts and strategies without equipment.
Learning Activities
  • Partner Tag, Team Alphabet, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics Routine
  • Clap Game, Static shapes and stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to participate positively in group and team Aerobic activities.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic Movement Routine, Follow the leader, Whole body stretch
  • Skills
    • Jumping jacks
    • High Leg Kicks
    • Push ups
  • Aerobics Routine
  • Static shapes and stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to design and perform aerobics movement sequences.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic Movement Routine, Follow the leader, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics Routine
    Students to work in small groups to design and create a short ’24 count’ aerobics routine.
  • Show’n’Tell
  • Static shapes and stretches

Circus Skills

Proactivity’s Circus Skills is a fun way to get students moving & feeling uplifted. Activities will provide students with the opportunity to learn a variety of skills such as Hula Hooping, Spinning Poi, Juggling, Flower sticks, and Poi. Adapted for the age group, students will focus on developing their fine and gross motor skills whilst having fun.

Years 3 and 4 Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences.

Learning through movement

Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to spin the hoop on their arm and jump inside the hoop after spinning on floor.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, frog shapes, brief stretch, knee circles, wrist circles
  • Hoops
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches “what was your favourite trick”?
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to spin a pair of poi & move from same time to split time rhythm.
  • Students will be able to use a spin a plate using the spin start method.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, frog shapes, brief stretch, knee circles, wrist circles
  • Plates & Poi
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches “what was your favourite trick?”
Learning Objectives
  • Students will demonstrate a roll down on the flower stick followed by a throw catch at the bottom of the roll.
  • Students will be able to throw a juggling ball under their leg and catch with the opposite hand.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, frog shapes, brief stretch, knee circles, wrist circles
  • Flower sticks & Juggling
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches
Learning Objectives
  • Students will demonstrate a mastered trick on their favourite circus prop, and present it to the group.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, frog shapes, brief stretch, knee circles, wrist circles
  • Round Robin, all four circus props
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches

Years 5 and 6 Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Design and perform a variety of movement sequences.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing.

Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to spin the hoop on their arm, change hands, spin on their waist.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, side stretch, knee circles, wrist circles
  • Hoops
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches “what was your favourite trick?” “Did you discover any tricks that link together in a flow?”
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to spin a plate using the spin start method.
  • Students will pass the plate to a partner onto their stick.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, side stretch, knee circles, wrist circles
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches “what was your favourite trick?” “Did you discover any tricks that link together in a flow?”
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to throw two juggling balls in columns.
  • Students will be able to flip a flower stick & catch it.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, side stretch, knee circles, wrist circles, shoulder/arm circles
  • Flower stick & Juggling
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches
  • Discussion: “how do you feel after the session? what are the benefits of physical activity”
Learning Objectives
  • Students will revisit all four props and master three tricks from their favourite prop.
  • Students will problem solve to link the tricks in a sequence & demonstrate it to the rest of the group.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic warm up copy along, star jumps, side stretch, knee circles, wrist circles, shoulder/arm circles
  • Round Robin: Four props
  • Dynamic shapes & stretches
  • Discussion: “how do you feel after the session? what are the benefits of physical activity”

Ultimate Frisbee

Proactivity’s Ultimate Frisbee harnesses co-operation, movement, and fair play through our team activities such as Captain Catcher, Skittles and Stich. Proactivity’s Ultimate Frisbee Incursion program is bound to have your students finding a new love for a different sport.

Years 3 and 4 Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills. Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Examine the benefits of physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences.

Learning through movement

Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities.

Moving the body

Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing. Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences.

Learning through movement

Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities.

Compliance Ready

  • Risk Assessments, Insurance and WWCC’s
  • Qualified instructors and equipment provided
  • Flexible delivery model
  • Proactivity is committed to keeping students safe, please see our COVID-19 Policies for more information.

16+ Years of Fantastic Sports Incursions!

Proactivity has been providing students with positive learning experiences for 16+ years, trusted by schools across Melbourne and surrounding areas. Trusted by many Schools such as Haileybury, PLC, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, Kilbreda College, Norwood Secondary College, Box Hill North Primary School, Glen Waverley South Primary School, Wesley College and so much more!

Inspiring students across Victoria

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What Sets Us Apart?

Talk to us about our Skills Masterclass program for your students

Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s curricular health, movement and wellbeing programs.