Core Program 2 - Active For Life

Mindfulness Programs for Secondary School Years 7 to 8 students

Movement for life has never been more important. Proactivity has reshaped its curriculum options in the active for life category. Yoga, Pilates and Dance Fitness are just some of the offerings we have available.

Proactivity Active For Life Programs align with the Victorian Curriculum.

Activie For Life Program Overview

Allowing students to experience a state of flow, connecting and piecing together a fun and innovative routine or simply just finding themselves and their spot on the mat is what Proactivity is all about.

Key Focus Points:

  • Students investigate strategies and activities that enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing.
  • Lifestyle activities such as yoga and pilates.


  • Improve flexibility, strength, and posture.
  • Improve overall fitness.
  • Breath better.
  • Become more mindful.

Curriculum Outcomes

Ensure your curriculum program meets achievement outcomes by including a progressive and engaging Mindfulness program.

Curriculum Standards met:

Moving the body

  • Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills (VCHPEM133)
  • Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts (VCHPEM134)

Understanding movement

  • Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components, and create and monitor personal fitness plans (VCHPEM136)

Learning through movement

  • Evaluate and justify reasons for decisions and choices of action when solving movement challenges (VCHPEM140)

Major Category = Lifelong Physical Activities

Program Inclusions


Our 4-week Pilates program is focused on delivering an inclusive movement modality that meets EVERY body exactly where they are at. It is facilitated by Certificate IV in Pilates & Diploma qualified, experienced and passionate instructors.

Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills.

Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts.

Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components.

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance performance.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to support their movement using their breath as the foundation for a controlled, co-ordinated and efficient movement practice.
Learning Activities
  • Pilates breathing using hands and therabands for feedback, mobility work to warm up spine moving in all planes of motion
  • Prone – glute bridge variations (back body)
  • 4 Point kneeling work (Front & back body)
  • Side lying – 1st side exercises (abductors, adductors, obliques, scapular stability & shoulder/arm strengthening, unilateral & isolation exercises)
  • Supine Abdominal work using Pilates ring
  • Side lying – 2nd side
  • Stretches – PNF & Static
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to achieve centred, aligned and balanced movement to build on their strength to progress & increase their endurance.
Learning Activities
  • Standing balance warmup (roll downs with eyes closed & single leg balance work with Pilates rings & bands to increase challenge, Chi ball bird dog balance exercise challenge, mini
  • band crab walk warm up
  • Lunges & standing balance & strength work
  • 4 point kneeling balance with rotation exercises
  • (bird dog, knee hovers, unilateral leg work)
  • Upper body strength exercises with bands
  • Abdominal, adductor & glute exercises
  • Stretches – PNF & Static
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to flow through their movement practice with concentration and control.
Learning Activities
  • Roll down flow, Side body Stretch flow – Right side roll down to Centre rolldown to L side roll down flow, Cat Cow spinal flow including Disco Cat or Figure 8 Cat Cow
  • Pelvic tilts to bilateral shoulder bridge series
  • Ab series – Hundreds, Series of 5, Rolling like a ball, leg circles, oblique twists
  • Side lying or Side kneeling legwork flow – 1st side
  • Kneeling Upper body including Thigh Stretch flow
  • Side lying or Side kneeling legwork flow – 2nd side
  • Mermaid Stretch sequence & flow
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to execute a full body workout that is integrated, precise and flowing.
Learning Activities
  • Standing warm up and balance
  • Roll down to plank walk outs to pike flow, knee hover & pike ups, mobility & full body stretches incorporating Pilates breathing & exploring imprint, neutral, extended and imprinted
  • spinal positions and breathing.
  • Pelvic tilts, unilateral glute bridge work
  • 4-point kneeling balance, strength include rotation
  • Side lying work leg work and side plank variations
  • Lie prone, focus on back body exercises and plank variations
  • Repeat side lying work opposite side.
  • Abdominal progressions from beginner through to intermediate progressions in a layered approach so that students can use self efficacy in movement to make decisions on when to
  • progress or regress an exercise
  • PNF stretches
  • Standing roll up & roll down flow

Sport Aerobics

Sports Aerobics program delivers safe, fun, and exciting lessons that focus on fundamental movements and aerobic movement sequences. Games and activities provide students with opportunities to learn through movement and support them in building the range and complexity of fundamental skills they are able to perform.

Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills.

Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts.

Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components.

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance performance.

Learning through movement

Practise and apply personal and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in physical activities.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to participate in sports aerobics activities that develop fitness, health and skill components.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic fitness, Fruit salad, Whole body stretch
  • Fitness, coordination and skills
  • Game, Static shapes and stretch
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to practise and apply personal and social skills whilst participating in team sports aerobics.
Learning Activities
  • Aerobic fitness, Fruit salad, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics routine
  • Game, Static shapes and stretch
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to use feedback to improve body control and coordination whilst practising, applying and transferring aerobic movement concepts and strategies.
Learning Activities
  • General locomotion, Aerobics Fitness, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics Routine Rehearsal / Group Work
  • Game, Static shapes and stretch)
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to compose and perform intermediate-advanced aerobic movement sequences.
Learning Activities
  • General locomotion, Aerobics Fitness, Whole body stretch
  • Aerobics Routine Rehearsal
    • Show’n’Tell
  • Game, Static shapes and stretch


In a 4-week Proactivity Yoga program, the students will be focusing and developing their physical, mental, emotional, and psychological health. The student-centered Yoga programs will be closely linked to the curriculum and across many areas.

Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills.

Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts.

Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components.

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance performance.

Learning through movement

Practise and apply personal and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in physical activities.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will learn how to meditate in stillness while counting back
  • Students will learn positive affirmations
  • Students will learn how to flow simply with breath and practise yin yoga
  • Students will learn how to release anger and stress in a calming way
  • Students will learn breath work
  • Students will learn simple anatomy
Learning Activities
  • Students will learn how to effectively meditate in stillness while counting back
  • Students will say and repeat in their mind positive affirmations and can do this outloud
  • Students will flow with breath work while mentioning simple anatomy Surya A x2 and Surya B
  • Students will practise box breath and explaining to them retention of the breath
  • Students will learn small elements of yin yoga and its importance
  • Students will also do nadi-shodhana alternate nostril breathing
  • Learn a simple release technique of letting go… “ I release stress and anger..” X5 times
  • OR how to release energy they have been holding onto
Learning Objectives
  • Students will learn how to meditate in stillness focusing on breath
  • Students will learn positive affirmations and create their own daily gratitude routine
  • Students will learn a stronger flow sequence with breath and practise yin yoga
  • Students will learn how to release anger and stress in a calming way
  • Students will learn breath work
  • Students will learn simple anatomy
Learning Activities
  • Students will learn how to effectively meditate in stillness while focusing on breath
  • Students will say and repeat in their mind positive affirmations and can do this outloud + create their own (need paper)
  • Flow with breath – while a connection to simple anatomy gets them to think of body parts working etc..
  • Learn stronger flow sequence while safely holding their bodies etc
  • Practised different breath techniques to help release stress etc
  • Help students learn how to release emotions bent up in their bodies by practising releasing techniques
  • Practise Yin Yoga mentioning anatomy while doing so explain this posture great for sleep , anxiety… (10+ mins)
  • Savasana – relaxation
Learning Objectives
  • Students will learn how to meditate in stillness for 3+ minutes while focusing on positive words
  • Students will use positive affirmations and create their own and keep
  • Students will flow and practise yin yoga
  • Students will learn how to release anger and stress in a calming way
  • Students will learn breath work
  • Students will learn simple anatomy
Learning Activities
  • Students will learn how to effectively meditate in stillness while focusing on positive words: I’m happy, my mind is calm, I’m at peace… or whatever you wish to say
  • Students will say and repeat in their mind positive affirmations and can do this outloud and create their own (need paper) and to use everyday explain importance
  • Flow with breath – while a connection to simple anatomy gets them to think of body parts working etc..
  • Learn stronger flow sequence while safely holding their bodies etc
  • Practised different breath techniques to help release stress etc
  • Help students learn how to release emotions bent up in their bodies by practising releasing techniques
  • Practise Yin Yoga mentioning anatomy while doing so explain this posture great for sleep , anxiety… (20+ mins)
  • Take them through Yoga Nidra + savasana
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to learn how to effectively meditate in stillness and pick their favourite technique
  • Students will learn how to switch their thinking to positive with affirmations in everyday life
  • Students will use their breath in everyday life scenarios
  • Students will learn how to release anger, stress and anxiety in a calming way
  • Students will build knowledge on human anatomy
  • Students will practise Yin Yoga
Learning Activities
  • Students will learn how to effectively meditate in stillness while focusing on their favourite technique, breath, counting back, positive words etc… 5 minutes can be broken up and can go longer depending on their age and attention span
  • Explaining to students how to switch their negative thinking to positive with a simple technique of letting go in that moment, saying the words I can change my thinking right now. Use breath and meditation during this to keep their attention inwards
  • Learn and understand anatomy from yoga flows
  • Learn how different organs are affected during yin yoga
  • Savasana + meditation
  • Student reflection + recap


Embark on an exciting 4-week Cheerleading Incursion program specifically designed to align with the Victorian Curriculum. This engaging program seamlessly integrates cheerleading skills with educational outcomes, providing students with a unique learning experience.

Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills.

Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts.

Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance performance.

Learning through movement

Practise and apply personal and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in physical activities.

Evaluate and justify reasons for decisions and choices of action when solving movement challenges.

Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to perform basic stunting, tumbling and motions in isolation.
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Motions
    • teach basic motions
    • motion memory game
  • Stunting
    • angel lifts
    • dual base
    • pod stunts
  • Tumbling
    • teach basic tumble skills (in own time)
  • Stretch
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to understand how to perform skills in a group environment with respect to time, space and people
  • Work in groups to perform more advanced stunt skills safely and effectively
  • Students will be able to apply feedback from instructors to improve their techniques
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Tumbling
    • Two counts in a formation, focusing on performing skill to timing and understanding spacing
  • Stunting
    • Build on skills taught last lesson to advance the skills students can perform
  • Motions
    • Formations game: give students formations and they must get to each spot quickly and observe correct spacing
    • Teach a short sequence of motions and explain how to perform them with confidence
  • Stretch
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to perform skills in sequences with respect to time, space and people.
  • Students will work collaboratively and be able to evaluate themselves and others.
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Stunting
    • build on previous skills to create a stunt sequence
    • explain how to perform to score well in a competition environment
  • Tumbling
    • Advance tumble sequence
  • Motions
    • Advance motion sequence taught and include formation changes
    • split them into groups to practice and perform to each other
  • Stretch
Learning Objectives
  • Students will be able to work collaboratively in teams to create their own routine encompassing the key cheerleading elements.
  • Students will demonstrate how the elements of effort, time, space and people relate to create an effective routine.
  • Students will practise and apply cheerleading-specific concepts to compose and perform skills in a routine correctly, safely and effectively.
Learning Activities
  • Debbie Love cheerleading warmup
  • Revision
    • go over the stunt, tumble and motions taught in previous weeks
  • Create their own routine in groups
    • explain how to run sections together to form a routine
    • allow students to work autonomously, providing help where needed
    • show and tell
  • Stretch

Compliance Ready

  • Risk Assessments, Insurance and WWCC’s
  • Qualified instructors and equipment provided
  • Flexible delivery model
  • Proactivity is committed to keeping students safe, please see our COVID-19 Policies for more information.

16+ Years of Fantastic Sports Incursions!

Proactivity has been providing students with positive learning experiences for 16+ years, trusted by schools across Melbourne and surrounding areas. Trusted by many Schools such as Haileybury, PLC, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, Kilbreda College, Norwood Secondary College, Box Hill North Primary School, Glen Waverley South Primary School, Wesley College and so much more!

Inspiring students across Victoria

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What Sets Us Apart?

Talk to us about our Active For Life program for your students

Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s curricular health, movement and wellbeing programs.