Core Program 3 - Self Defence

Self Defence Programs for Secondary School Years 7 to 8 students

Our Self Defence program incorporates a range of fundamental motor skill development in the areas of karate and martial arts.

A key component of any successful PE program is respectful relationships and interpersonal skills. Our Self Defence and Respectful Relationships workshops are designed around protection skills, safe and unsafe behaviours.

Proactivity Self Defence Programs align with the Victorian Curriculum.

Self Defence Program Overview

Our Self Defence program supports schools in delivering and achieving the new child safe standards, through a range of informative and interactive workshops. 

Students are provided with the opportunities for skill and key language development in addressing respectful relationships and self defence principles.

Key Focus Points:

  • Safe and respectful relationships. Students apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement sequences.


  • Physical component – Running through various self-defence techniques including blocking, striking and controlling techniques.
  • Verbal component – Tips/Ideas (For example, what to do when you’re at an ATM, don’t put your purse underneath your arm).
  • Awareness component – Awareness Scenarios, eg. Safety at a party and knowing your surroundings.

Curriculum Outcomes

Ensure your curriculum program meets achievement outcomes by including a progressive and engaging Self Defence program.

Curriculum Standards met:

Moving the body

  • Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills (VCHPEM133)
  • Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts (VCHPEM134)

Major Category = Lifelong Physical/Challenge/Adventure

Program Inclusions

Curriculum Links

Moving the body

Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills.

Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts.

Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies.

Understanding movement

Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components.

Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance performance.

Learning through movement

Practise and apply personal and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in physical activities.

Learning Objectives
  • Students build a sound awareness of their surroundings and understand common scenarios in public areas whereby self-defence may be required.
  • Students will learn Blocking, Striking and Kicking techniques.
  • Students will learn about control and what is considered excessive force.
  • Students will learn about techniques on how to react appropriately to Bullying (this includes social environment and social media).
Learning Activities
  • Stretches and self-defence shadow moves.
  • Basic awareness and observation Part 1 (what to do in a certain situations)
  • Basic Defence techniques.
  • Stretches and Q&A on session.
Learning Objectives
  • Students will recap previous learning objectives, refining each of these skills.
  • Students will learn about countering techniques (including kick defense).
Learning Activities
  • Stretches and self-defence shadow moves.
  • Basic strikes and controlling
  • Countering techniques (including kick defense)
  • Stretches and Q&A on session.
Learning Objectives
  • Students build a sound awareness of their surroundings and understand common scenarios in public areas whereby self-defence may be required.
  • Students will learn Blocking, Striking and Kicking techniques.
  • Students will learn about control and what is considered excessive force.
  • Students will learn about common locks, holds and pins.
Learning Activities
  • Stretches and self-defence shadow moves.
  • Basic awareness and observation part 2
  • Basic takedowns and controls, locks, holds and pins (for Both Males and Females specific).
  • Stretches and Q&A on session.
Learning Objectives
  • Students will build their understanding of common weapon attacks and controlling / countering techniques.
  • Students will learn about responsibility and consequences of their actions.
Learning Activities
  • Stretches and self-defence shadow moves.
  • Common weapon attacks and controlling / countering techniques.
  • Basic takedowns and controls, locks, holds and pins (for Both Males and Females specific).
  • Basic awareness/observation part 3, and Q&A on session.
  • Stretches and Q&A on session.

Compliance Ready

  • Risk Assessments, Insurance and WWCC’s
  • Qualified instructors and equipment provided
  • Flexible delivery model
  • Proactivity is committed to keeping students safe, please see our COVID-19 Policies for more information.

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Talk to us about our Self Defence program for your students

Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s curricular health, movement and wellbeing programs.