Wellbeing+ School Incursions

A holistic, impactful approach to student wellbeing

Proactivity’s Wellbeing+ School Incursions provide students with a wellbeing toolkit using inspiring, mindful and energising activities to connect wellness to movement.

Our three interchangeable program packages are designed to compliment current Wellbeing frameworks for students of all ages and abilities from Foundation/Prep to Year 12 and are aligned to the F-10 Victorian Curriculum Capabilities.

A student wellbeing solution for Foundation to Year 12

Our Wellbeing+ package options are an excellent choice for Foundation, Primary and Secondary teachers wanting to extend on key learning areas and curriculum units in ways that reinforce and maximise positive student learning outcomes.

Facilitated by our expert coaches and utilising our specialised, high quality equipment, our Wellbeing+ sessions ignite student curiosity and encourage a high level of engagement as well as provide supporting take home resources, and material for teachers to use within the classroom.

Each program package includes a range of associated activities which are interchangeable to suit your students’ needs.

Wellbeing+ Program Packages

Our Emotions in Motion package encourages students to explore the connection between movement and emotional regulation.

Our Resilient Warrior package focuses on group, partnered and solo movement activities and encourages students’ discussion around resilience and navigating the mental barriers when faced with challenges.

Our vibrant Healthy Habits package provides activities to encourage students to not just participate but to learn about themselves and develop their understanding of healthy habits.

Term 3 Wellbeing+ Incursions

Our specially designed Term 3 Wellbeing+ Incursions incorporate Bullying No Way – National week of action, Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week and R U OK? Day


Each session is designed to support students in strengthening their mental health through physical movement and sport, fostering the connection between positive relationships, engagement and self-belief that can make all the difference to learning.

Students are provided with a range of effective and impactful strategies that will support their wellbeing whilst at school and in the future. 

Bullying No Way

Our Bullying No Way National week of action package focuses on group, partnered and solo activities that encourage discussion around voicing personal boundaries, developing situational awareness and forming respectful relationships.

Activities include:

Women's Health Week

Our empowering and vibrant Women’s Health Week incursion package encourages students to participate in activities that are linked to both their physical and emotional health.

Specifically focusing on communication skills, students will be challenged to strategise and problem solve through the movement activities.

Activities Include:

R U OK? Day

Our R U OK? Day package is designed to create conversation among students and focuses on the importance of respectfully acknowledging, supporting and encouraging each other.

Students will explore the connection between conversation and peer support while participating in unique and engaging activities.

Activities include:

Wellbeing+ Curriculum Capabilities Alignment

By applying student-centred and hands-on learning approaches, and using the most up-to-date and innovative equipment, our package options inspire student exploration and curiosity whilst connecting to key learning areas of focus within the F-10 Victorian Curriculum Capabilities.

Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking capability aims to ensure that students develop:

  • understanding of thinking processes and an ability to manage and apply these intentionally
  • skills and learning dispositions that support logical, strategic, flexible and adventurous thinking
  • confidence in evaluating thinking and thinking processes across a range of familiar and unfamiliar contexts.

Questions and Possibilities

  • Students develop the knowledge and skills essential to becoming effective questioners and developers of ideas.


  • Students develop the knowledge and skills required to compose, analyse and evaluate arguments and reasoning.


  • Students develop the knowledge and skills to understand, manage and reflect on thinking and learning processes.

Personal and Social Capability

The Personal and Social Capability curriculum aims to develop knowledge, understandings and skills to enable students to:

recognise, understand and evaluate the expression of emotions

  • demonstrate an awareness of their personal qualities and the factors that contribute to resilience
  • develop empathy for and understanding of others and recognise the importance of supporting diversity for a cohesive community
  • understand how relationships are developed and use interpersonal skills to establish and maintain respectful relationships
  • work effectively in teams and develop strategies to manage challenging situations constructively.

Self-Awareness and Management

  • Students develop the knowledge and skills to regulate, manage and monitor their emotions;
    to realistically assess their strengths and achievements; and to work independently, with initiative and perseverance.

Social Awareness and Management

  • Students develop the knowledge and skills to participate in positive, safe and respectful relationships;
    to work collaboratively; and to resolve conflict.

Compliance Ready

  • Risk Assessments, Insurance and WWCC’s
  • Qualified instructors and equipment provided
  • Flexible delivery model
  • Proactivity is committed to keeping students safe, please see our COVID-19 Policies for more information.

We provide:

Accredited Coaches
All equipment is supplied, set up and packed up
Customisable packages to choose from
A flexible delivery model
Risk management plans

16+ Years of Fantastic School Incursions!

Proactivity has been providing students with positive learning experiences for 16+ years, trusted by schools across Melbourne and surrounding areas. Trusted by many Schools such as Haileybury, PLC, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, Kilbreda College, Norwood Secondary College, Box Hill North Primary School, Glen Waverley South Primary School, Wesley College and so much more!

Inspiring students across Victoria

Schools across Victoria
1 +
Incursions Delivered
1 +
Student Participants
1 k+

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What Sets Us Apart?

Talk to us about your school’s wellbeing programs

Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s wellbeing programs.