Going For Goals

A collaboration between Proactivity and Think Set Go.

Experience the ultimate workshop, fusing mindset and goal pursuit education from Think Set Go with dynamic physical activities and equipment by Proactivity.

Our Primary and Secondary full and half day programs have been designed to provide students with a purposeful and impactful learning experience.

Each session focuses on cultivating the mental skills essential for goal pursuit, equipping students with strategies to manage the ‘mental game.’

Throughout the day, students will engage in an interactive program that challenges both their mindset and physical abilities. They will immerse themselves in activities that promote self-reflection, teamwork, resilience, creativity, determination and fun.

Sample program

Full and Half day options available

Session 1 - Think Set Go workshop

  • Includes personal reflection handouts
  • Perspective shifting and personal reflection insights
  • Cognitive and teamwork challenges

Session 2 - Challenge activity rotations

  • Activity 1 – Rope maze
  • Activity 2 – Giant earth ball
  • Activity 3 – Take two
  • Activity 4 – Archery challenge

Session 3 - Relax & reflect

  • Activity 1 – Reflection exercises

  • Activity 2 – Mindfulness

  • Close

Curriculum Alignment

Going for Goals is a curriculum-aligned program designed to enhance the Personal and Social Capabilities of Primary and Secondary students. Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum 2.0 and Australian Curriculum V9.

It supports the development of resilience, goal-setting, teamwork, relationship skills, and navigating challenges. Through engaging activities, the program equips students with essential skills to thrive in school and beyond.

Year 5 - 6

Victorian Curriculum 2.0 - Personal and Social Capabilities

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • demonstrate when and how to use a range of peer support, self-regulation and other productive coping strategies

  • identify personal strengths and interests to support own personal growth

  • demonstrate what it means to be confident, adaptable and persistent; where these attributes are important; and what can and cannot be influenced through personal action

  • demonstrate strategies for evaluating performance when working independently; how to set appropriate goals and make informed, responsible decisions
Achievement Standard

AS1, AS2, AS3, AS5

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • adapt approaches to tasks to support perseverance when faced with challenging or unfamiliar tasks

  • analyse the influence that choices have on developing personal qualities and identify areas for growth

  • select and use strategies to monitor own learning and refine goals to plan for further improvement

  • select and use different leadership approaches when acting as a sole leader or leading with others
Element / Sub-element


  • Self-management / Perseverance and adaptability

  • Self-awareness / Personal Awareness

  • Social management / Goal setting

  • Social management / Leadership

Year 7 - 8

Victorian Curriculum 2.0 - Personal and Social Capabilities

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • apply coping strategies during challenging and adverse situations

  • work with others to utilise the strengths of each individual when solving a problem

  • demonstrate increasing confidence, adaptability and perseverance when faced with a challenge

  • work independently, to make effective and responsible decisions towards a goal

  • use collaboration and teamwork to positively impact a situation
Achievement Standard

AS2, AS3, AS6

Learning Outcomes

Students will be able to:

  • plan a personal response to a range of contexts using feedback from previous experiences

  • use and refine strategies that contribute to regulating behaviour and achieving learning goals

  • devise and analyse individual and group decision-making processes

  • select, apply and refine strategies to persevere when faced with unexpected or challenging contexts
Element / Sub-element


  • Self-awareness / Reflective practice

  • Self-management / Goal setting

  • Social management / Decision-making

  • Self-management / Perseverance and adaptability

Program Includes

  • Think Set Go workshop and facilitator
  • Proactivity equipment
  • Challenge activity leaders
  • Mindfulness facilitator
  • Reflection worksheets
  • Risk Assessments, Insurance and WWCC’s

We provide:

Accredited Coaches
All equipment is supplied, set up and packed up
Customisable programs to choose from
A flexible delivery model
Risk management plans

16+ Years of Fantastic Sports Incursions!

Proactivity has been providing students with positive learning experiences for 16+ years, trusted by schools across Melbourne and surrounding areas. Trusted by many Schools such as Haileybury, PLC, Shelford Girls’ Grammar, Kilbreda College, Norwood Secondary College, Box Hill North Primary School, Glen Waverley South Primary School, Wesley College and so much more!

Inspiring students across Victoria

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Enquire below, give us call on (03) 9720 3650 to discuss your school’s wellbeing programs.